Mistress skilfully balances my need for a severe thrashing… A Testimonial

It was just over 7 months ago that I discovered Mistress Eliza, and if you can see my initial thoughts on an earlier thread. My concluding comment on that first review was:

“Perhaps I should even consider begging her to allow me to play with her for slightly longer next time to see if she would be willing to push me even further when I am lucky enough to session with her again?”

Well, I did it, and have done it three more times in fact, the last time being only yesterday. My need for a very harsh beating hasn’t changed, but as we have bonded in our D/s play, the satisfaction I have gained from our play has increased even further. With familiarity I am totally comfortable in my submission, as I eagerly relax in to her inventive style of restraint and enjoy the progressive severity of her increasing array of CP weaponry.

Mistress skilfully balances my need for a severe thrashing without over-stepping the boundary by causing excessive lasting damage to the buttocks. She even inventively experimented by using a dampened thin cloth this last time to allow her to deliver more and harder strokes, without my skin being broken. I was taken exactly where I needed to be, by a caring lady, who also knows how to deliver discipline.

As I type this note I can feel my bruised bottom still throbbing and aching from her attention, but as with many spankees I always regret not having been taken that bit further, so that her cane strokes might be even more strongly defined this morning, and last as long as the vivid memory of our play inevitably will.

And that simply makes me wish to return and challenge both her and myself to push that envelope further when my next opportunity comes along, which I surely will do.